We Need More “Northern Exposure” Exposure

“We have to boycott paperclips.”

“What? Why?”

“Word on X is, something about their shape supports the trans agenda.”

“Whatever. I’ll put it in the database, which is really filling up now.”

“I know. It is the tragedy of our time. They never learned the lessons of Northern Exposure.”

“What is that? A spa treatment?”

“No no. It is a classic TV show and what should have been a cultural touchstone from the 90s.”

“The show with the moose?”

“Well, yeah. But they put that moose in its place.”

“What does that mean?”

“That moose is dead.”

“Sure. I don’t think moose live that long…”

“The moose is only the first marker. It sets the stage for the theme for the show.”

“Right. And like you said, they all missed the point of the show. The point we are talking about now. The point we both understand perfectly.”

“Of course. An invader tries to disrupt the freedom of a great American town, a town forged in rugged individualism by a great American hero. Each week, we see a liberal punk doctor try to despoil our town with his vaccinations and New York values.”

“Does despoil mean the same as spoil?”

“The town has for years dealt with moose and hippies invading with their gay socialist agendas, only to be rebuffed again and again and again by the pure conservative values of the town’s founder fathers.”

“They never learn: don’t change anything.”

“Better yet, don’t do anything.”

“Yeah. Go virtue signal to your mother.”

“What’s really sad, these young pukes can’t even get the girl. The town’s blond hottie rightly responds not to the doctor, not to the patchouli DJ, but to the hardscrabble older men, hewn by hard work, untreated infections, and self-reliance.”

“I need to watch this show again.”

“Good luck finding it. The Hollywood Elite know how dangerous this show is. It’s behind a paywall, while the ecoterrorist Swamp Thing is free for all on Tubi.”

“I was just using Tubi. I was watching Private Resort, but it was gone before I could reach a climax.”

“Of course it was pulled. That 80s classic has our friend, the liberal doctor, as lead. The more people who see him, the more who will seek out his other work, which will lead to more Northern Exposure exposure. He’s been cancelled.”

“The film also stars Johnny Depp.”

“It’s all connected.”
