“We are on the cusp of another classic deal from Big Daddy himself. And he’s doing it all while pregnant.“
“Yeah, but it seems like Trump’s strategy in ‘deal making’ is to give up all his leverage immediately, without concession, so that he can get an agreement super-fast, without any concern for honesty, morality, justice, or future consequences.”
“Wow. You said a lot there. I’ll bet with all them words, some of ’em are fake.”
“Fake? You mean fake words?”
“Yep. You heard it here first.”
“But really, in his negotiations with the Taliban, Trump forced the Afghan government to release thousands of prisoners, all without any concessions, and those manumitted prisoners turned around to overthrow the government and attack American forces during the withdrawal.”
“Fake words! Trump wasn’t president when that happened, so he can’t be responsible. Like a ball, it ceases to exist once it rolls behind the couch.”
“Can you go back to saying ‘fake news’? And I didn’t think I would have to debate object permanence here. But in the current meetings, Trump gave Putin everything he wanted, giving him legitimacy and recognition and spreading bullshit about Zelenskyy. And Trump got nothing in return.”
“Fake words! Trump has got a deal ready to go.”
“But the consequences of that deal will embolden Putin, threaten global security, undermine democracies, destroy America’s reputation… hey, are you still listening?”
“I was distracted. I thought I had a ball here. Have you seen it?”
[Sighs] “Sorry. I think that ball is gone forever.”